02 December 2005


That was interesting.
I’m in Chemistry Class now.
The instructor stepped out while we were filling out course evaluations.
While he was out,
Another instructor came in to barrow some chemicals.
He looks around and then says,
“You guys wanna see something cool?”
He cleans off a spot on the desk and sprays this stuff out of a white bottle.
Then he lights a match and sets it all on fire.
Then he says,
“See ya”
And walks out.
Then our instructor walks in.
That was interesting.

Then he steps out again,
and the other instrucotr comes in and sets the desk on fire again.
Then our instructor comes back in.
After the fire dies out,
He starts to teach class.

After a while the other instructor walks in again.
He looks at all the stuff on the desk now, and asks our instructor,
"Can I just set the whole desk on fire?"


RobertDWood said...


Anonymous said...

Ha!Ha! And oh my gosh...how weird.
that IS interesting....

TheEarthCanBeMoved said...

Yeah, all the chemistry instructors are at war.
They're trying to see who can make the biggest explosion in class and get away with it.